Showing posts with label Plus-Size Dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plus-Size Dress. Show all posts

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tips on How to Buy a Plus-Size Dress

Withmore and more fashion labels taking the time to address plus sizes, women havemany plus-size dress optionsavailable to them today. 
This guide walks women through some tips that can help them decide on and purchasethe ideal plus-size dress for their build and personal sense of style. It alsolooks at some helpful tips that can help make a dress even more flattering.Additionally, the guide elucidates some of the great online retail optionsavailable for women, such as the online auction site, woman within coupons 50and free shipping.

Look for a More Structured Silhouette

Whilemany women with full figures may want to hide behind loads of material or awide-cut silhouette, these types of dresses can actually work against a woman.Creating structure and proportion should be the goal of selecting a plus-sizedress; as such a woman should look for tailored options and eschew the loose,voluminous lines she is used to. A wrap dress, for example, is a veryflattering silhouette for any woman, creating a lovely waist line by drawingthe eye in with drapes and the wrap design itself. It also creates an hourglassproportion that looks well on any woman.
Look for Drape to Hide Trouble Spots

Ifa woman is self-conscious about certain areas of her body, a well-placed drapein a dress can go a long way toward ameliorating that lack of confidence. Whileother design details such as frills or applique can actually draw attention toa trouble spot, a well-constructed drape can work to hide it elegantly.
Find a Plus-Size Dress That Draws FocusTowards Favourite Features

Womenshould seek out plus-size dresses that favour strong features. For example, awoman with clear blue eyes might look for a dress that highlights this uniquefeature. A woman who likes her legs might look for an A-line mini, while awoman with an hourglass shape might look for a dress with a fitted waist.
Choose Patterns Wisely

Thecommon wisdom that patterns can be problematic on plus-size dresses is quitefalse. Patterns and prints can definitely work on a plus-size dress when doneproperly. Patterns should be all over and consistent, one solid print thataddresses the entire dress. A pattern here or there can widen the silhouette orhighlight imbalances in a figure. Large, all-over patterns are the key.
Leverage Bold, Oversized Jewellery andAccessories

Womanwith full figures can wear bold jewellery pieces much more successfully thanmany other women. Moreover, a well-placed bit of jewellery can draw the eyetoward flattering features or create a balanced look for a woman’s figure.
Remember that Plus Size Comes in DifferentBody Types

"Plus-sized"is not a cohesive category. Just as with all women, plus-size bodies come indifferent shapes and silhouettes. Women should keep in mind that there arecertain silhouettes and accessories that work better with certain figure types.The following chart elucidates the choices that go well with the three maintypes of plus-sized figures.


Findinga plus-size dress that makes a woman feel sassy and appealing is an easyprocess if she takes certain key tips into consideration. By selecting optionsthat work with her body type, choosing the right accessories, and working withmaterials that flatter her figure, a woman can end up with an ideal plus-sizedress that she can enjoy for years to come. She can also take certain designchoices into consideration that accent the more attractive parts of her figureor distract the eye from difficult spots.